The needs of the displaced grow
The FMSI have received a new appeal from Br Georges Sabe, who is co-ordinating the activities of the « Blue Marists » in Aleppo. FMSI feels in full solidarity with them and would like to do more to serve their urgent needs. After the news of the last days,some Marist establishments have already been in contact with us to learn how to send the aid. In the meantime, we are happy to see the growing number of young Syrian volunteers who are joining the « Blue Marists » and especially to hear that among them are young Moslems…
Here is the text of the letter of Br Georges to Br Mario Meuti, director of the FMSI office in Rome :
Dear Mario,
Greetings !
Thank you for all the interest you are showing in our situation and our mission in Aleppo.
The situation is getting worse and worse. The displaced are becoming more and more numerous ! The cold is beginning to be felt. We have launched a campaign called « DAFA » = « WARMTH » to collect blankets and warm clothing. As well, we have launched another very Marist campaign : « I WANT TO LEARN », to help the children of these displaced families study.
Our group of young volunteers does not stop growing. As in the time of Father Champagnat when he lacked brothers, a good group has come to reinforce the workers. This time with an important difference : among the youth, there are some displaced themselves and young Moslems.
You have sent us the 10,000 € (…) which we have received in Aleppo. You have chosen a very good channel. I have kept all the expense invoices.
I hope that you and the benefactors can continue to sustain our action and our mission.
Let us keep hope.
Br Georges
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