2011-02-09 GENERAL HOUSE

The newly appointed and re-appointed provincials and district superiors

From 26 January to 3 February 2011, the newly appointed and re-appointed provincials and district superiors met in Rome with the General Council. They were Brothers Hipólito Pérez (América Central), Manny de Leon (East Asia), Thomas Randrianantenaina (Madagascar), Julian Casey (Melbourne), David McDonald (New Zealand), Joachim Ezetulugo (Nigeria), Shanty Liyanage (South Asia), Joseph Walton (Southern Africa), Jeffrey Crowe (Sydney), and Ken McDonald (Melanesia, D), and Chema Custodi (Paraguay, D).

The meeting was held with the aim of providing support for the new Provincials and District Superiors in their leadership role in the Institute and to offer some information and study topics for performing their function. Fraternal dialogue as a basic attitude was a prority. “What is the Lord saying to us for the life of the Institute and for our action as leaders”, was a question the Brothers endeavoured to answer after an attentive listening. The wealth of experience among the members of the group contributed many resources, favouring a rich interaction.

With this dynamic, the wish of the Brother Superior General, expressed in the letter of convocation was fulfilled: “May our meeting in Rome serve to help us become better acquainted and to help one another in our service”.

Among the topics on the work agenda were the mission of the Provincial as leader and animator of the spirituality in his Province, team work with the Provincial Council and the analysis of some guidelines of the Institute on the protection of children and youth. These guidelines treat of practical cases that can turn up in the daily life of a Province and the manner of handling them, as well as the criteria that must guide a praxis of integral defence of the rights of children and young people. On these specialized matters, they could count on the help and advice of Brothers Brendan Geary, Provincial of West Central Europe, and Jim Jolley, Delegate of the Institute in Geneva for the promotion of Child Rights.

The Brothers had the opportunity of making contact with the organization of the General Administration, especially the Econome General, the Secretary General, the Procurator General  and the Directors of the Bureaus set up by the General Council for their mandate: “Brothers today”, “Mission”, “Laity”, and “International Missionary Collaboration”.

At noon on Saturday 29 January, the Brothers participating joined the Brothers of the General Administration in a tasty Argentine BBQ in the gardens of the house.

The presence of this group of Provincials and District Superiors in the General House provided a lovely ambience of family and communion. It also manifested in a palpable manner the Institute’s international dimension, providing an occasion of mutual enrichment and great joy.


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