2010-10-26 INDIA

With mary, in haste to West Bengal

I have much joy in sharing the very deep reasons which have led me to take part in the programme « Mission Ad Gentes in Asia ». It was the request for Marist volunteers from our superiors in Rome, which gave weight to my decision to follow this call, which I have always considered an authentic gift from God.To be present as Marist Brothers in Asia and to strengthen the Christian presence on the continent: those are the two aspects which move me most deeply and which helped me discern at the time of committing myself to this programme.In the depths of my soul, I feel that Marist life can be born in the new zones of Asia and, as concerns me, in West Bengal (India). I ask God that young Hindus sense the Marist Brother?s vocation as a personal call to follow Christ and that they experience in their lives the loving presence of Mary: to know Jesus, to love him, and make him known to the poor children and youth of their country.May this new call of God to our Marist Institute, which allows us to live in harmony with the directives of our last General Chapter: « With Mary, go in haste to a new land! » be a welcome one. Living this call not only from a psychological and spiritual dimension, but from a physical and geographical one.I want to be an active collaborator in the construction of Marist communities in Asia, formed by Brothers and lay Marists, working in favour of the poor children and youth of West Bengal, sharing in simplicity and joy, charism and consecration, faith and life, and all in an international, intercultural and inter-religious milieu.Jesus? words resonate in me: « Go into all lands? », as well as the aim of our holy Father Marcellin Champagnat : « All the dioceses of the world enter into our views? » I feel a deep joy, as a Marist, to be able to show in Asia the Marial and maternal face of our Catholic Church. Marcellin?s affirmation: « To become a Brother is to commit oneself to becoming a saint » is a great challenge at present living among a population as religious as the Hindus.God invites me to a personal conversion which lets me live my Marist consecration in a society where Christians are a minority. I thank God for his merciful call and for the generosity he has put in my heart to help me respond joyfully to this call. I also thank Mary for her maternal love which makes me feel at every moment like a son.I want to thank all my Marist Brothers, parents and friends for their deep respect for my choice and for their promise to pray for me so that God « rich in mercy » and Mary « Our Good Mother », may continue, through their child in West Bengal, to build the « Civilisation of Love ».________________Br. José Javier Bometón Aguilar, fmsDavao, 14 September 2010


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