
From Br Paul Hough in Kuching

From Br Paul Hough in Kuching

Yes, the last lot of concrete to be poured.  It is the middle section of a new basketball court which will also be available for netball and volleyball.  This pour was at 9am, with 4 classes in operation, with one in the room in the distance upstairs.  We have literally been in the middle of a building site all year.  The scaffolding behind me is for the installation of the fire-escape stairs.  We call it Block D, and it will be ready for school use in about 4 weeks.  We are also waiting for WiFi to be installed.
Next year we will have 8 classes, one Yr 9, four Yr 8, and three Yr 7.  This also means an increase in staff by about 9 new teachers.  Most classes will be in the new building. The final concrete pour behind me, and the new staffroom will be on the first floor in the distant block.  The Year 9s will sit for Cambridge checkpoint exams in English, Maths and Science towards the end of next year.
The new BYOD policy (bring your own computer) has worked OK, and we are still blocking websites that are not in the students interest!  Current Yr 8s only, to be expanded next year, to other classes.
Thursday sport continues to go well with swimming, athletics, soccer and touch football, which is most popular.  I go with the swimmers, because most of the staff are not confident in the water!!
Weather does not change much, and I am told this is the dry season, even though we had 3 inches of rain yesterday! I do not miss the politics.  Occasionally I receive very good news on Indigenous kids at different boarding schools, which is encouraging.
Six weeks of schooling left, then I head south.  I return on Boxing day.
Thanks for your emails, they keep me young!! Cheers,
Paul Hough St Joseph’s International School Kuching,  Sarawak,  Malaysia.


Friday Notes...


Informativo SED 79: la verdadera felicidad no...