
Sydney Jubilee Celebrations

Last Saturday (4 July 2015), the second of the three Jubilee Celebrations was held at St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill. Father Tony Kelly CSsR, brother of Golden Jubilarian, Br Geoff Kelly, was the Celebrant at the Jubilee Mass and he was assisted by concelebrants, Fr Brian Mascord, Fr Max Blumenthal and Fr Martin Maunsell. The music was lead by Br Michael Callinan and the singing by Brs Darren Burge and Justin Golding.

Br Jeff Crowe spoke about and toasted the Golden Jubilarians who chose Sydney as their main venue (Brs Peter Chiezak, Geoff Kelly and Bernie Riley), while Br Bill Tarrant toasted Br Jordan Ryan who celebrated his 60th Jubilee. Jordan himself later thanked all who helped organise the Mass and Luncheon, the priests, speakers, MC (Br Anthony Robinson) and the catering staff at SJC.

Between them, the Brothers celebrating their various Jubilees this year have notched more than 950 Years of faithful and persevering service in the vineyard of the Lord. This is an wonderful example for us all.



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