2014-04-22 BRAZIL

Province of Rio Grande do Sul

A third group of Brothers, directors, collaborators, teachers and members of the Marist fraternities has had the opportunity to further their knowledge of the spiritual patrimony, history and charism of the Founder, Saint Marcellin Champagnat. The 34 participants of this third session of the Course on the Spiritual Patrimony and Marist Spirituality (PSM), gathered from 8 to 11 April at Caju, Porto Alegre, have completed the first module of formation, presented by Br Ivo Antonio Strobino.

Stories and interesting facts about Champagnat,  creation of the Society of Mary, foundation of the Institute and the first Brothers, are some of the topics treated in this module. The next two modules of the PSM will be given in June and September of this year. During the first module, the second group received their certificates and on the same occasion the first edition of the Review « Legado », which contains  articles written by the participants of the first two sessions, was launched.


Br. Libardo Garzón...


Province of Rio Grande do Sul...