2020-11-09 MEXICO

A new setting for Marist Youth Ministry

The provincial commission of Marist Youth Ministry (MYM) of Central Mexico broadcast, on the 22nd October, the first phase of its project “Marist Youth Expression: a digital space to promote participation and leadership for young people” (facebook).

Marist Youth Expression aims to give a voice to the Marist children, adolescents and young people of the Province and other sister Provinces to encourage analysis, reflection and the critical vision of children and young people about life and the reality that surrounds them.

The programme will be broadcast live on Thursdays, every two weeks, from 19:00 to 20:00 (Mexico City time) through the Facebook page of the Marist Youth Ministry Mexico Central. During the transmission, two young people who will be leading the programme, two adolescents or young people and one adult will be invited to participate by sharing their experiences and reflections.

The project aims to continue to unite and connect children, adolescents and young people, despite the pandemic, and to continue to promote their right to express themselves and to make themselves heard.


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