Meeting of the African Mission Commission
The members of the African Mission Commission (AMC) held an online meeting on the 23rd October 2020. In attendance at the meeting were Brothers Ifeanyi Mbaegbu (Nigeria), Francis Jumbe (Southern Africa), John Kusi-Mensah (District of West Africa), Michel Longena (PACE). From the Secretariat of Education and Evangelizations, Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas (Director) and Br Mark Omede (Assistant Director).
This meeting was unique because it had in attendance the Vicar General of the Institute, Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez.
In his address to the members, Br Luis Carlos emphasised that Marist Africa should look beyond the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and see it as a humanitarian situation, a situation that calls for greater solidarity. While acknowledging that it is a challenging moment, he reminded the group that we are privileged as Marists to see it as an opportunity to serve the young people and humanity in a unique way.
Br. Luis Carlos also pointed out that the last General Chapter called us to be Bridge Builders and promoters of a Culture of Encounter. This call is a constant reminder on how to enhance our capacity in working together as a Region of the Institute. AMC for him, should build a common mission to live in communion with each other, promote same in our various countries, stand for the young people especially those most in need and unify the Marist works on the continent.
Education and Evangelization, continued Br. Luis Carlos, are the major areas that demand our presence as apostles of youth. He therefor concluded by inviting all to inspire each other and find an active role in what we are called to do because Marist Africa is encouraged to play a vital role in the global Marist family.
COVID-19 and Marist Mission on the African continent
AMC members gave situation reports from their respective AUs on the impact of the pandemic particularly on school activities (see details here).
Marist Youth Ministry and Youth evangelization on the continent: Which way forward
Youth ministry remains a priority area within Marist mission in Africa and as such, the commission discussed the issue of MYM and how to continue its development on the continent. The members agreed to work with AU coordinators of MYM while following the global programme on MYM from the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization of the Institute.
Regional Newsletter
In recognition of the fact that communication is one of the initiatives in the continental strategic plan, the commission unanimously agreed that the second edition of the newsletter should be an urgent priority. Reports on the pandemic and the New Horizon II Project will form a major part of the newsletter and this edition will be out soonest.
New Horizons II Update
Since the commencement of this project, a lot of good things have happened starting from the pilot phase in Malawi. The African Mission Commission appreciated the effort of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization and the FMSI team who are assisting in this noble project that is making impact on the lives of those members of society that live on the margins of life (see details here).