?Add lives, multiply Horizons?
In connection with the Project of new Models of Animation, Administration and Government, Brothers João do Prado and Miguel Ángel Espinosa visited the province of Compostela to make known the processes and projects for the vitality of the Marist Mission, as well as the provincial structure and the teams which will carry out this task.
They had interviews with the Br Provincial Oscar Vicario and Br Máximo Blanco, Director of the Mission Council, who reported on the progress of the Province on the strategic plan, the functions of the Provincial, the Provincial Council and the Mission Council, as well as giving their vision of the future.
Visits were made to the colleges of the Inmaculada and the Cultural Centre Vallisoletano in Valladolid, and the Pontifical University of Salamanca, the Colegio Marista Champagnat and the University Residence – CUM.
We are grateful for the province’s welcome, the time of sharing, and the commitment to the service of children and young people.