2019-09-27 ARGENTINA

“Being beacons that illuminate life”

The Fraternities of the Province of Cruz del Sur met from the 13th to the 15th of September under the theme "Being lighthouses that illuminate life", in the Villa Marista de Luján (Argentina), to renew their commitment to keeping the light of God alive in their works and communities.

At the opening of the first day, following the introductory prayer, the Provincial, Brother Raúl Schönfeld recalled the call of the last Provincial Chapter ─As Marists of Champagnat, we feel called to be and to promote communities committed to his vitality─ and he invited the Fraternities to discern together what is the unique, singular contribution which they offer to the Province of Cruz del Sur, what they feel called to give, what services they want to give. 

With their eyes fixed on the image of the Lighthouse, which animated the Meeting, the participants reflected on the foundations of their lives and of their fraternities. In the afternoon, they continued to work with the image of the Ladder which, like their convictions ─with their lights and shades─, encourage us to move forward. They also meditated on the way in which He finds us and what it means to meet Him and our brother in our concrete realities. 

The first day closed with a celebration led by Brother Guillermo Mautino, who assisted the fraternities so that they could share their experiences together, unite and thank each other for all  they experienced in the course of the day.

During the second day the Fraternities reflected and discussed the realities that the wanted to highlight. And in the moving concluding Mass, presided over by Father Raúl and with the presence and animation of Brother César, the 20 years of the Fraternities were celebrated: Un corazon sin fronteras, from Buenos Aires; Violetas en la Roca, from Pergamino and Huellas de Marcelino, from Mendoza; as well as the 25 years of the Fraternidad San Marcelino Champagnat, from Rosario.

Two of the new Fraternities present were also welcomed: Nuestra Señora del Valle, from Libertador, Jujuy, and La Valla, from the city of Rosario, Santa Fe.

After lunch, they all returned to their places with hearts filled with gratitude for what they had experienced and for the challenge of keeping alive the light that God, through Marcellin, kindles in the Fraternities.


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