Br. Luis Felipe appointed Provincial of Mexico Central
Bro. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, with his Council, has appointed Br. Luis Felipe González Ruiz as the new Provincial of Central Mexico Central, for a preliminary period of three years. Br. Luis Felipe, from the Provincial Chapter, to be held in mid 2021, will replace Br. José Sánchez Bravo, Provincial for the last 6 years.
In his letter sent to the Province, Brother Ernesto thanked Brother Luis Felipe for his availability and the service of Brother JosĂ© Sánchez. He also thanks all the Brothers and lay people of the Province “for continuing to keep alive Marcellin’s dream in Central Mexico”. And he made this appeal: “let us continue to build the global family together, as the XXII General Chapter has asked us to do”.
Below, Br. Luis Felipe briefly describes his story.
I was born on 12 September ( the Holy Name of Mary, feast of the Marist family) in 1974, in Mexico City. I have the good fortune of having been born in a simple and hard-working family, in which my parents, Felipe and Maria Concepcion, educated us in life and in the faith. we were nine children, of whom I was the youngest of all. Seven of my brothers are married and one is a religious priest in the Order of Friars Minor.
I studied primary education at the Tabasco School, a Marist school, and from there I began the adventure of my vocation, entering the juniorate in 1986. I made my novitiate under the guidance of Brother Basilio Rueda. I took my first vows on 24 June 1995 and my perpetual vows on 19 April 2001.
I have spent the greater part of my Marist life in the houses of formation, having spent seven years in the Postulantship and nine more years in the Interprovincial Novitiate of Mexico, seven of them as Master of Novices. In addition, I spent a year in the Miravalles School, located on the outskirts of Mexico City, and a term in the mission of Guadalupe, in an indigenous area in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.
I had the good fortune to attend the course for formators in 2005 in Nairobi, and in the International Commission of Brothers Today as well as in the Inter-American Subcommittee of Brothers Today, experiences that have left me with very enjoyable learning and excellent friendships.
For the last five years I have collaborated in the coordination of the structure of animation and government of the Mission of Central Mexico, from where I have been able to be close to all the apostolic works of the province, and to remember every day the mission of the Institute, to make Jesus Christ known and loved, from the point of view of education and mission, which, in the words of Pope Francis, “is always an act of hope that, from the present, looks to the future. I am also a member of the Provincial Council.
I also had the grace to participate in the XXII General Chapter held in Rionegro, Colombia in the year of the bicentenary of the foundation of the Institute.
I thank God for the abundant life that he bestows at all times, on the brothers and all the people with whom I have shared and who have helped me to be who I am. I ask Mary and Marcellin to continue to inspire my journey, to bring me the gifts necessary to carry out the service that is entrusted to me.