2021-01-15 BOLIVIA

Br. Rubens José Falqueto, new Master of the Regional Novitiate of América Sur

Following the discernment of the Provincials of the Region of América Sur, Br. Rubens José Falqueto, of the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte, has been appointed Master of the Champagnat Novitiate of the Region of South America, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, for three years, beginning on February 2, 2021.

Br. Rubens will be the second Master of Novices after Br. Isidro Azpeleta, with whom he has been part of the formation community since 2017, together with Brothers Otalivio Sarturi (Brasil Centro-Sul) and Sebastião Ferrarini (Brasil Sul-Amazônia).

This year, because the COVID-19 pandemic, the novitiate will begin on May 1st instead of February. It will have one novice in the second year and 10 novices in the first year.

Marist life and journey of Br. Rubens

“During the time spent in the houses of formation, either in formation or as a formator, I had the privilege of cultivating fraternity, experiencing the discipleship of Mary and feeling that I was a son of Champagnat”, mentions Br. Ruben.

Br. Rubens was born in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, in 1977. He started the Marist vocational accompaniment while finishing his studies, and after a period of discernment he entered the Marist training. In 1997, he lived with the Marist community of Silvânia, in Goes, where he worked with children and adolescents of the rural communities. In 1998, he made his postulancy in Belo Horizonte. Two years later, he professed his first vows in 2000, the city of Campinas, in São Paulo.

When he finished his initial formation, in 2002, he developed his apostolate, in São Vicente de Minas. And in 2007, he made his perpetual profession. In 2011, invited by the Brother Provincials, he established the formation community of the Marist Novitiate of Brazil, in Passo Fundo, in Rio Grande do Sul. During this period, he studied Theology of Religious Life. In 2014, he followed the course for Formators, at El Escorial, in Spain.

Since 2017, Br. Rubens has been part of the Formation Community of the Regional Novitiate, where, until 2020, he has been active in the sector of Finance and has taught Pastoral Care and Mariology.


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