Celebrating life and giving thanks to God
On 8 December, feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the morning intentions reminded us of the decision of the General Council, on 8 December 1942, to consecrate the Institute to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Eucharist, which brought together the members of the House, was the occasion to celebrate the Golden Jubilees of Brothers José Javier Espinosa Marticorena and Edward Clisby. Brothers Javier and Edward have given us an example of fidelity and love for their vocation over these 50 years.
Among those present at the thanksgiving were several members of the General Council, Brothers of the General Administration, the chaplains of the two communities, and several guests. The jubilarians shared something of their lives. Javier made allusion to the special presence of God in his life and his history, highlighting the times when God surprised him with his initiatives. Edward gave a brief survey of the various responsibilities he has had during his life as a Marist, in a spirit of service and simplicity. At present, he is happy in Rome, working in the translation team.
As well, Fr Serafín Peñarán Zepeda, who is part of the community as a student at the Lateran University, celebrated his Silver Jubilee as a Missionary of the Holy Family. In his brief address, he expressed satisfaction for the community experience he is living with the Brothers at the General House, for there is a great affinity between his congregation’s charism and ours. He emphasized especially the family spirit of the Missionaries of the Holy Family and Marist simplicity. Fr Serafín concluded by expressing thanks for the excellent welcome and hospitality he has received from the community, where he feels quite at home.
Finally, something that does not happen often in the General House, we were able to be witnesses of the sixth renewal of temporary vows of Br Marcelo Bonhemberger, of the Province of « Brasil Rio Grande do Sul ». Before renewing his vows, the Brother expressed the profound motivations moving him to take this step. Br Marcelo is studying philosophy at the Gregorian University and he is the benjamin of the General Administration community.