District of the Pacific
The District of the Pacific, being the first place in the world to see the sun, launched the first of the preparations for the bicentennial of the Institute with a liturgy to mark the start of the Montagne Year. We are conscious of the legacy of the first Brothers sent by St Marcellin Champagnat to the Pacific in 1836. The gathering, of Champagnat Marists, Brothers and Lay, was held at Te Kai Hii Marist Learning Centre, Auckland (which was also celebrating its 15th anniversary).
The participants were invited to reflect on a Montagne encounter in their own lives and how this encourages the growth of Marcellin’s charism in the Pacific. In the words of one of the hymns used in the liturgy: ‘We strive to be Christ’s PRESENCE with LOVE OF WORK each day. We hear the founder’s message, “Do this in MARY’S WAY”. SIMPLICITY our virtue as in La Valla’s home, we live a FAMILY SPIRIT to make Him loved and know. We daily hear the call to be God’s love in our world.
Let Mary’s “Yes” inspire us, with hearts and arms unfurled’.
We gathered around the table to share a celebratory supper to conclude the gathering.