Evangelisers in the midst of youth
The second meeting of the International Commission of the Marist Youth Ministry (MYM) was held in the General House in Rome from 13 to 17 May. Those taking part were M. Carlos Ulises Centeno (México Central), Br Luiz André da Silva Pereira (Brasil Centro-Norte), Br Ramon Rubies (L’Hermitage), Br Ifeanyi Mbaegbu (Nigeria), M. Nehme Khattar (Australia), Br John Klein (General Council), Br Miguel Ángel Espinosa Barrera and Br João Carlos do Prado (Secretariat of Mission).
Theprincipal purpose of the meeting was to thank the Commission for its work and the holding of the Regional Seminars for the application of the document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » ; to reflect on the future horizon of the MYM at the Institute level, and to discern about the best strategy to adopt in helping the Administrative Units implement MYM.
At the end of the meeting, the participants were unanimous : it is urgent for the whole Institute to support the AUs in offering them a guide with an itinerary which helps them review the current MYM projects in the light of the document, especially those which have greater experience in work with youth. There was equal consensus on another point : it is advisable to develop a proposal of education in the faith process for the youth groups in the AUs which have just begun the work within the MYM.
The meeting was verypositive and took place in an atmosphere of frankness, sharing, reflection and celebration. At the end, considering it was the Commissions’ last meeting, Br Emili thanked it for the excellent work achieved in the Institute and among the youth of the MYM.