2022-10-17 BRAZIL

Final profession of Br. José Sotero

Brother José Sotero, from the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte, made his Final Profession in the Institute on October 9, at Rosário do Catete, in the state of Sergipe. Br. José de Assis Elias de Brito received the vows on behalf of the Superior General. The celebration was also attended by the Vice Provincial, Br. Adalberto Batista Amaral, as well as by other Marist Brothers, family members and other guests.

“With this celebration of the final profession I am saying that I wish to follow Jesus Christ definitively for life. It is the surrender of my existence to the Lord through the religious profession of the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. It is to let myself be guided by the conviction: There is great value in being a BROTHER today! It is to cultivate the certainty that I was born to be at the service of children, adolescents, and young people, after all, ‘it is for them that I consecrate myself’ (Jn 17:19)”, emphasizes Brother Sotero.

Br. José, presently superior and formator of the Marist Community of Nossa Senhora da Penha, in Vila Velha, says, moreover, that the Marist mission remains the same, however, the final profession fills with meaning the essence of the purpose of serving the Kingdom of God. “Like Mary, our Good Mother, I proclaim with joy: here I am, Lord, a Brother among brothers,” continues Brother José Sotero.

The solemnity of Final Profession, broadcast live on the “Ser Marista” channel on YouTube, is the result of a time of formation and discernment that Br. José Sotero has undergone since his first profession on December 8, 2014.

“As St. Oscar Romero already warned us, we are prophets of a future that is not ours. The revolution of tenderness depends on me, on you, in an enveloping embrace, a mutual presence in love. Let’s keep dreaming with our eyes open!” concludes Brother José Sotero.


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