2005-02-21 BRAZIL

Have no fear, little flock

The 2nd February was once again an occasion of thanksgiving and joy in the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte for the vocations that the Lord and our Good Mother have sent us. After a long period of accompaniment, fifteen candidates for the Marist life started their pre-Postulancy at Montes Claros or at Fortaleza. At Mondubim in the suburb of Fortaleza, eight young men asked and were accepted for the first year of the Novitiate (from left to right: Tiago, Leandro, Wesley, Joilson, Cleilton, Adamor, Vanderlei and Adailton).

The feast of the Presentation of the Lord, which has a strong Marial connotation here in Brazil with the maritime processions in honour of Our Lady of the Seafarers, in other places known as Our Lady of the Lanterns, was celebrated in fine style by the entry of these young men into the Novitiate and by their commitment to their ideals.
We can only rejoice when we see young people continuing to respond positively and generously to the calls of God and to the strength of the charism of Saint Marcellin for the formation and education of young people.
May Mary, our Good Mother, send many good vocations to the entire Institute!


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?We have come so that they may have life and ...