2020-06-28 MEXICO

How the pandemic has impacted on Marist Education in the Region of Arco Norte

On June 1st, the Education areas of the Provinces of the Arco Norte Region met to reflect and review how the COVID-19 crisis has been managed in the field of education.

During this meeting, the provinces shared how the educational processes have been affected by the pandemic. The common factor is that all have had to make the transition from distance learning, using different platforms, predominantly Google CLASSROM and ZOOM; in many cases also limited by resources and internet access.

Also, the challenges of conducting academic activities from home were discussed, along with other issues related to education:

  • Taking advantage of this experience and learning distance learning methodologies.
  • Preparation of protocols and back-to-school guidelines.
  • Re-conversion of spaces and logistics for student attention regarding the recommended distances.
  • New forms of promotion: virtual open house, educational marketing, flexible and remote registration processes, among others.
  • Different actions towards transforming Marist solidarity.
  • Inclusion of social works in this context.
  • Taking advantage of the self-management acquired by the students during this time.

As a region, different proposals were also presented that are directed towards collaborative work and support between the Provinces that form part of Arco Norte:

  • sharing strategies, or building them together, for the training of Directors and Teachers in the use of technological tools;
  • sharing digital resources developed within the provinces;  
  • reflecting on and constructing a hybrid model from the Marist pedagogy, in the perspective that the educational presence can be affected for a considerable time.

Our regional work generated from the pandemic is directed towards reflection and the recovery of learning for a greater innovation from the Marist pedagogical proposal, and based on monitoring, support, guidance and assistance.


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