II International Mission Assembly
At the end of October the Preparatory Commission for the II International Mission Assembly met in Nairobi to plan further this most important gathering of Marists to be held in September 2014. Joining the Commission as facilitator was Sister Maria “Pilar” Benavente Serrano from the Order of Missionaries of Africa. Sister Pilar has many years of experience in such work and her intimate knowledge of Africa added greatly to our purpose
We were delighted to finally arrive in Kenya, and for many it was our first time in Africa. The warm welcome by the Marists here set the atmosphere for the week, which has been one of joy, laughter, purpose and prayer.
On the first evening we had the privilege to share a meal with 80 enthusiastic young Brothers in formation and the Brothers in leadership at the renowned Marist International Community (MIC). Our host and the Director of MIC, Brother Lawrence, left us inspired as we learned of the rich history and essential contribution MIC continues to make to the work of Marists throughout Africa. We are looking forward to the generous support of the MIC community throughout the preparations and conduct of the Assembly.
Much of the first few days were spent investigating the necessary physical requirements for a successful Assembly. The Provincial, Brother Valentine generously accompanied us throughout the first few days of orientation. We visited the three Religious Houses where participants will be accommodated and the Assembly held. All are very well suited with comfortable guest rooms and first class conferencing facilities.
Time was also spent on one afternoon familiarising ourselves with some of the sights in Nairobi, including the beautiful Basilica of the Holy Family, the Kenyan Parliament House and the Kenyan Square of Independence with the towering presence of the statue of John Kenyatta, the father Kenyan independence.
Brother Albert Nzabonaliba and Brother Teodoro Grageda have ably assisted planning for the twelve days of the Assembly. Brother Albert is from Rwanda, and is the secretary to the Province of East Central Africa. Brother Albert also lectures at MIC and the Jesuit College of Nairobi. He will be kindly assisting with many matters in preparation for the Assembly. Brother Teodoro is from Mexico and has worked in Africa since the early 1990s. He is currently the Master of Postulants and the Province Bursar and spent the week translating every word spoken into either Spanish or English. We are deeply indebted to him for his time and expertise. Also joining the Commission in person for the first time was the talented Brother Miguel Angel Espinosa Barrera, the Assistant Director of the Secretariat of Mission, who also hails from Mexico.
Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated for a successful Assembly that will add much to the life and future of the Institute.
Preparatory Commission