Inter-American Conference of Provincials (CIAP)
The formation of the permanent committee of CIAP was decided at the meeting of the Provincials of the Americas held in September 2011. Four provincials compose this committee which has to represent the different Marist regions of all the Americas. So there is one Provincial from Brasil, one from Arco del Sul, one from Arco Norte and one from North America.
The main point of our meeting at Los Cobanos in El Salvador was to study and accept the new proposals concerning the new organigramme of CIAP, which the International Mission Commission (CIM) reflected on in its last meeting held at our Provincial House of St-Jean-sur-Richelieu in August 2012. So Brothers Horacio from Argentine, co-ordinator, Wellington from Brésil Centre Nord, Hypolito from America Central and Bernard from Canada met at Los Cobanos, El Salvador, from 9 to 12 January 2013. They were able to carry out the work entrusted to them as well as to make official the appointment of the members of the sub-commissions of mission and of Brother and laity today. Brother João do Prado, responsible for the General Secretariat of Mission for the whole Institute, also took part in the meeting.
Brother Bernard Beaudin