Just a Tent at the Heart of Our Future – Awakening the Dawn
From January 15 to 17, 2015, the VII National Assembly of the Laity in Venezuela gathered 35 lay people and 8 brothers in the Marist formation house of Los Teques.
As part of the Assembly process, we identified two specific calls in our Marist path, which stem from our local realities and faith experience:
- We feel the call to shape up the lay vocational itineraries. We want to promote processes allowing the laity to discover the calls from God in their lives, leading them to answer as Lay Marists of Champagnat.
- We feel the call to organize new experiences and spaces to share life between laity and brothers, providing meaningful opportunities to encounter God.
In the present phase of renewal of the Institute, we lay Marists also need to renew ourselves, sharing responsibility regarding our mission, spirituality and life, and joining efforts to awaken the dawn.