Life in Marist Europe
The European Mission Commission met on 15 and 16 January in the city of Valladolid, to continue its work on processes and projects designed to give greater vitality and viability to Marist Europe. Those taking part were Brs: Moisés Alonso (Ibérica), Máximo Blanco (Compostela), Aureliano García (Mediterránea), Robert Thunus ( West Central Europe), Christophe Schietse and Gabriel Villa-Real (L’Hermitage) together with Brs João Carlos do Prado and Miguel Ángel Espinosa of the Secretariat of Mission.
Among the topics dealt with were:
- The presentation of the project of New Models of Animation, Government and Administration of the Institute.
- The drawing up of the summary of the questionnaire on the future of the Marist mission in Europe.
- The sharing of the progress of the Provinces in the Preparation processes for the II Marist Mission Assembly
- Adjusting the Program of formation of Marist leaders for Europe
The good will and work of the provinces to continue giving energy to Marist life in Europe was evident. They confront the challenges and threats with hope and make proposals to the European Mission Conference for moving ahead.