2023-11-15 BRAZIL

Meeting of the Regional Council of South America and CAP

The Regional Council of the South America Region, which is composed of the provincials of the five provinces of the Region (Marist Provinces of Brasil, Cruz del Sur and Santa Maria de los Andes), met from October 27 to 29 in Boraceia, Brazil. Br. Óscar Martín, General Councilor for liaison with the Region was present at the meeting, whose agenda was divided into three days The last day coincided with the virtual meeting of the American Conference of Provincials (CAP).

South America Regional Council Meeting

On the first day of the meeting, the topics of the Canonical Reconfiguration of the Institute and the feasibility study for a single Postulancy in Brazil were discussed. A working group conducted a study on the project, which was submitted to the Board for analysis. The project considers the feasibility of a single Postulate for Brazil (and subsequently for the South American Region), after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of this implementation. The study identified three main axes: formation unit, formators, and students.

On the second day of the meeting, the Regional Council discussed the Champagnat Regional Novitiate in Bolivia, the general state of the Region’s equipment and networks, and the regional budget for 2024. Regarding the progress of the Champagnat Regional Novitiate in Cochabamba, the visit of the Provincials between September 23 and 27 was highlighted, as well as the actions to align and develop the existing formation program. Following the day’s agenda, Leonardo Soares, Executive Secretary of the Region, presented an overview of the work of the regional teams and networks: Novitiate Team, Initial Formation Team, Ongoing Formation Team, Memory Center Network, Lay Marist Network, Vocational Animation Team, Spirituality Team, Accounting Network, Communication Team, Solidarity Team, School Network and Youth Ministry Team. Based on the progress of the teams and projects, the budget proposal for 2024 was presented.

American Conference of Provincials Assembly

On the 29th, the participants of the meeting in Brazil joined virtually with the provincials of the Arco Norte Region for the American Conference of Provincials Assembly (CAP), composed of the members of the councils of the two regions, with the participation of the two executive secretaries, Br. Rodrigo Espinoza (Arco Norte) and Leonardo Soares (América Sul). Together they reflected on and addressed important issues for both Regions, which are under the responsibility of the CAP. In addition, they reflected on the challenges of the emerging realities in the two Marist regions, addressed the work carried out by the Inter-American Spirituality and Solidarity Networks (Coração Solidário), and how other action models can strengthen and incentivize regional coverage issues.

In addition, the meeting also gave direction to the implementation of the Itinerary of Formation and Preparation of the Brothers who will make perpetual profession, and the calendar for the meeting of Provincials, which will be held in March 2024 at the Hermitage.


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