2006-01-09 GENERAL HOUSE

Message for the 189th anniversary of the foundation of the institute

The celebration of our patronal feast day, 2nd January, helps us to look into our origins in the liturgical spirit of Christmas.
All the commentators on Luke and Matthew discover in Mary, in Joseph, in old Simeon, in the prophetess Anna and in the shepherds the representatives of the tradition and spirituality of the anawim: the poor of Yahweh.
Luke, in particular, notes two fundamental attitudes of this spirituality: a profound faith full of trust in God and a wisdom that allows them to read the actions of God in the simple events of their personal story and life. In the simplicity of life in Nazareth, in the prayer and continuous service in the Temple, Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna were waiting for the manifestation of the consolation and redemption of God. In the midst of the troubled socio-political situation of the people of Israel living under Roman occupation, they knew how to read the signs of the times: a poor baby, a manger, two doves, a fragile woman, a poor rural worker, an immigrant family, a capricious and merciless king. Only in the experience of a profound faith, brought into light by daily prayer, purified in a humble, austere and simple life and in the generous service to others, was it possible for them to recognise Christ, the Messiah in such simple and unexpected circumstances.


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