MIC, 25 years
A number of factors had to come together to ensure the launching of the Marist International Centre of Nairobi (MIC) 25 years ago. They included the felt need to give our young African Brothers a solid formation, the vision of the future of a superior general (Charles Howard) and the Marist superiors of the continent, and the courage and hope of a pioneering group (formators and young Brothers) who translated the dream into reality.
It all began at the end of 1986, on a just purchased property on the outskirts of Nairobi, in an old house there. Everything had to be done to prepare a formation project, a plan of studies, to begin constructing residences, the academic section, common services such as the refectory, meeting rooms and chapel. And, above all, to create a vital and enthusiastic community. It was the beginning of a dream.
« Those who sow in tears, sing during the harvesting », (Ps 125-126). Today, 10 February, 25 years after those humble beginnings, the whole of MIC is celebrating its Silver Jubilee. And the figures speak louder than words: the 27 Brothers of the first community have become today 104, coming from 17 countries of the continent. They are distributed among 7 residences, called Fraternities. Their formation programme lasts 4 years. The staffing is assured by a team of 17 African Brothers who have taken up the responsibility of transmitting the charism and incarnating the Marist mission in our continent.
The academic section has also grown and developed new infrastructures. The few external students who shared the plan of studies from the origins, have become now the great majority of the student body: they are 700, 70 of them Sisters from a dozen congregations. Only the brothers follow the full four year programme. Most of the external students follow courses of different durations.
MIC, which obtained affiliation to the Urbanium University of Rome, has become a Constituent Collegedependant on the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA). Since September 2010, the academic section of MIC has been called the Marist International University College (MIUC).
In over one year of Pre-university Studies, MIUC offers formation in four fields: Education, Religious Formation, Business and Social Studies, and Business and Information Technology.
In the course of 25 years of existence, MIC has become a reference point for Marist life in Africa. Hundreds of Brothers have passed through theCentre during this period. They compose the majority of the Administrative Units of Africa and a good number of them occupy posts of responsibility, animation and government on the continent. They are402 brothers who have graduated from the MIC.
To look at the past is an encouragement for dreaming the future and moving in that direction with faith and courage, taking up the challenges before us. Happy anniversay, MIC!