New appointments
In August 2011, Brasil Centro Sul was informed of the appointment of Br Joaquim Sperandio as Provincial. He will take up his responsibilities in December, as will Br João Gutemberg, who was named Superior of the District of Amazonia in July.
The General Administration has also had some appointments and restructuring. To replace Br Antonio Martínez Estaún as Director of Communications, the General Council has appointed Br Alberto Ricica (América Central), who will take up his new mission at the end of November.
Having concluded his mandate as Postulator General, Br Giovanni Bigotto has returned to Madagascar, his Province of origin. The General Council then decided that the services traditionally carried out by the Postulator General could be suspended while there was no Marist cause to be prepared and presented to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. When there was, the Council would look for theperson best suited to carry out this task. According to the information then available, there was no Marist cause under study in the immediate future. But, to the surprise of all, a short time after the Council took this decision, it was informed that the cause of BrCrisanto and his 67 companions martyrs in Spain was going to be studied in the next few months. So BrJorge Flores (México Occidental) has been appointed Postulator General. Br Jorge Flores Aceves, 71, known familiarly as“Luchis”, holds this appointment for three years. He is a member of the Province of México Occidental, and is working as Vicepostulator for the Diocesan Cause of Brother Basilio Rueda. During the first year, he will be attending to the work inMéxico and Rome at the same time.
Br Juan Miguel Anaya has concluded his service to the General Administration and returned to his Province of Mediterránea. He remains as a consultant to the General Council on canonical matters, while the former dealings of the Procurator General with the Vatican have been assigned to Br Franco Fagin, who acts as the agent of the Institute with the Holy See.
Br Chris Willis, of the Province of Sydney, 63, has been appointed Director of the Secretariat “International Collaboration for Mission” for a period of three years starting from 1 January 2012. Br Chris is Australian and has been working as executive director of Marist Asia Pacific Solidarity (MAPS), entrusted with solidarity campaigns, the Marist volunteer service and providing the schools with resources and information.
In addition, to complete the Enlarged Secretariat of the Laity, Sra. Patricia Cecilia Ríos Gómez, of the Province of México Occidental, has been appointed for three years.
Many thanks to all for their readiness to serve the Institute in different roles: God bless you!