2011-11-19 BRAZIL

« Ministry at the School » collection

To go and meet the other. Such is the call of the Marist Mission in Solidarity, which gives young people the possibility of going beyond the College walls and undertaking   initiatives aimed at social transformation, evangelisation and actions of primary importance. The directives of the project have been published in the collection « Ministry at the School », in two notebooks, one on the way of taking part and on the methodology, and the second with the ritual of blessings, prayers and guidelines for   participants in the Mission, in the Marist Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte ». A videoconference marked the launching of the editions, on 26 October, for the educational community, the management and the Brothers.

The Provincial, Br Wellington Medeiros, underlined the importance of the project, in harmony with the Conference of Aparecida, which invites the Catholic schools to rediscover their identity by means of a courageous and bold missionary impetus. « May we, through the Mission, propose an experience of God, in which young people encounter Jesus in the face of the poor and help them to liberate themselves, in believing another world is possible. »

The representative of the National Confederation of the Bishops of Brasil, Sérgio Braschi, enhanced the event by words of encouragement addressed to those taking part in the project: « Profit by this lifetime chance which the missionary awakening is. The experience is an enriching one ». Such was the reminder of the religious who also wrote the preface to the Mission document.

To speak on the « Label School in Solidarity », the organizers invited the executive co-ordinator of the « Faça Parte » Institute, Kátia Mori, who, this year, awarded the prize for solidarity activities of three establishments of the Province : Marist College« Patamares »(BA), Marist College « Nossa Senhora da Penha »(ES) and Marist Champagnat College  – Taguatinga (DF). The first two for the Marist Solidarity   Mission.

In the videoconference at the launching, young people, parents and educators were also able to share about experiences lived in the Mission in Salvador, Aracati (CE), Natal, Vila Velha and Montes Claros


On the Mission

The initiative brings together the teachers and students who go into localities with elementary needs in the domains of health, housing, training, among others, to carry out activities of evangelisation, education and solidarity. The dialogue, the initiatives of the young people and life in new cultures stimulate the gift of self to others and new approaches to people.


Impressions of the participants

 Marist College « Patamares »
Bruno Vieira – 2nd year of secondary teaching – « My regard has become focused on the collectivity rather than on individualism. »

 Marist College of Aracati
Gabriela –
3rd year of secondary teaching – « In the communities we found perseverance and humility among the people. This innovative experience transforms our lives. »

 Marist College « São José – Montes Claros »
José Eustáquio – teacher of History – « This has taught us to be human, not to become resigned and to perceive humanity in the other. »


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