2007-10-30 CANADA

Opening moments at Château Richer and Pavillon Saint Joseph

The start of the Spirituality Year in the FMS Canada Province takes place at two different times, in two different venues.
On October 27, the venue was Château Richer. The presentation was made for the benefit of the nearby Marist communities of Québec and Saguenay as well as for the Marist fraternities.

The day?s schedule was as follows: Mass, a presentation of the document of the Spirituality Year, a half hour of prayer, a community meal. In all, fifty two Brothers were present along with thirty three lay people.

A notable family atmosphere prevailed, and all those present were pleased with the manner in which, given its importance, the Spirituality Year has gotten under way
Several of those in attendance spoke warmly about the document Water from the Rock and about the booklet, ?Prayers of Refreshment?, which the Province published for the occasion.

The second meeting took place on October 20, at Pavillon Saint Joseph, Laval. An invitation had been extended to Brothers and laity. One could judge that the invitation was appreciated, because about one hundred people came to the meeting. Councilors General, Brother Antonio Ramalho and Brother Pedro Herrero were also present. The meeting began with an excellent audio-visual serving to introduce the Spirituality Year document. Afterwards there was time for quiet prayer aided by a booklet whose themes are drawn from the document. The last part of the program was the official presentation of the book, Water from the Rock, a copy of which was given personally to each participant. To sum up: a wonderful meeting, well prepared and well directed by our Canadian and Generalate Superiors.
Our compliments and our thanks to the community of Pavillon Saint Joseph for their exemplary preparation of the event and for their warm hospitality.

Gabriel Bolduc, fms.


The gift of life...


This distinction is granted every year, to ho...