Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte »
The XXIII Meeting of the Marist Family was held from 25 to 27 January at the Marist Centre « São José das Paineiras », in Mendes, Rio de Janeiro. The event, celebrating its 25 years of existence, brought together former Marist Brothers and young men who had been formed with the Brothers, as well as their families and guests. The Meetring was organised by the Centre for Marist Studies (CEM) and co-ordinated by Br Gentil Paganotto.
This year’s programme had as principal subject: Youth and Family. It also touched on the theme that the Church of Brasil has chosen this year as a study topic : Fraternity and Youth. This part of the Meeting was the responsibility of Mgr Lelis Lara, bishop emeritus of the diocese of Itabira-Coronel Fabriciano/MG, who is the spiritual director of the Marist Family Meeting. The programme also included times of reflection, conviviality, prayer and the sharing of experiences.
Two persons are behind the gathering: Br Gentil Paganotto, from the time when he was Provincial, and Mr Aurélio Bolsanello, former Marist Brother. They were the ones, in fact, who organized the I Marist Family Meeting in January 1988.