Province of Norandina
The Province of Norandina has just published the document Policy for the Protection of Children and Young People, adjusted to the norms of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, the countries in which the Province has its ministries. Following is the message of Br. José Libardo Garzón, Provincial. At the bottom you will find a link to the documents.
I am happy to send you our Policy for the Protection of Children and Young People and the Code of Ethics of the Marist Province of Norandina, comprising Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These documents gather together the calls of society, the Church and our Institute. Even though they are not entirely complete, we believe it important to initiate the process of socialization and sensitization in face of these two important reference points for our institutional life and mission.
Family spirit and being present in a significant way to the children and young people are characteristic traits of Saint Marcellin Champagnat's approach to teaching. For us Marists, based on these insights of our Founder, the mission consists in helping children and youth become, above all, good Christians and good citizens (…)
The Policy for the Protection of Children and Young People and the Code of Ethics reflect the values and principles of the Marist community. We are aware that “what is given to the children, the children will give to society”, as Karl Menninger, father of North American psychiatry, wisely expressed. We commit ourselves, therefore, to promote safe environments, in which the children entrusted to our care might grow in feeling welcomed, respected and valued.
The development of the Policy for the Protection of Children and Young People, as well as the Code of Ethics, was carried out following the standards proposed by the Marist Congregation. We recognize and have kept in mind the differences in the laws of our countries and of the systems of protection they already have in place. Nevertheless, we need to continue reflecting on and enriching them in order to find the best way of implementing them in the various contexts in which Marist life and mission are present in the Province. Each country will seek the best way of carrying out this Marist commitment for the protection of children and youth, as well as fostering relationships of acceptance and respect in all areas of provincial activity (…)
Br. José Libardo Garzón