2020-12-25 GUATEMALA

Retreat of Brothers and Laity in Central America

From 27 November to 1 December, Brothers and Lay people of the Central American Province were invited to recharge their spiritual batteries. This year the retreat was by communities and with provincial connections, with two meetings per day, through Zoom .

CHARISMATIC FAMILY TO SERVE THE WORLD was the theme that was developed during the five days and   was the common thread of the whole retreat.

Through the different themes of each day, the participants experienced the presence of Fr. Champagnat and his charism. Saint Marcellin, a man who saw and felt the needs of the children and young people of his time, especially those in rural areas; moved by his love for Christ and his gospel,  decided to give an effective response.

Today, brothers and laypeople, feeling themselves to be Champagnat’s Marists, with diverse vocations but inspired by the same charismatic source and feeling themselves to be part of the same global charismatic family and moved by the love of Jesus, are called, following in the footsteps of the brothers and laypeople who preceded them, to give responses that will be felt today, as beacons of light and hope through the Marist mission; always having Mary as their animator.

In the end, happy to be part of this global charismatic family, all will assume the commitment to continue recreating today the charism of Saint Marcellin and of the first Brothers, conscious that to evangelize today, is an integral part of being as Marists.


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