One of the major goals the Vocations team set for itself this year was to create a dedicated vocations website to promote our Brothers’ way of life to young people. We're pleased to announce that the website is live.
This has been the fruit of several months’ work, in collaboration with the Brothers' Vocation Reference Group. Special thanks to Liam Desic from the Marist Youth Ministry team in Brisbane, for creatively designing the layout of the text and images.
A couple of remarks for those interested in clicking on the website:
* it’s primary aim is to promote the Brothers’ way of life with a focus on each stage of formation.
* it is designed for young people. Information on the province and our ministries is therefore brief.
* there is a strong emphasis on the visual with a focus on the younger members of the province. The intention here is to connect with/appeal to the age group we are hoping to interest.
* the content provides some information about who we are, our spirit and way of life with links to our key ministries. There will be an eventual link to the Province website.
As you will see, it is a work in progress with videos, interviews and individual testimonies yet to be finalised and uploaded. This will be done in the new year. The information of our new Healy House of Discernment will be updated as well.
Navigating the website will take time and practice but hopefully you’ll be able to find where to access information.
Greg McDonald e Rod Thomson