2021-11-30 GENERAL HOUSE

Year of Marist Vocations from 20 May 2022 to 06 June 2023

On October 10, 2021, we announced the Year of Marist Vocations from 20 May 2022 to 06 June 2023. It will be a year to celebrate the vocation of all Marists of Champagnat – Brothers and Laity – and of “Caring for and generating Marist life”, a slogan adapted from the circular of Br. Ernesto Sanchez, Homes of Light. This expresses very well our stance in this turbulent moment in which we see how fragile life is.

Logo of the Year of Marist Vocations – Caring for and generating Marist Life

To mark the beginning of the Season of Advent, the Secretariat of Brothers Today, on 28th November, unveiled the logo of the Year of Marist Vocations. Just as the first week of Advent is about hope or expectation, in this case of the coming Messiah, so is the unveiling of the logo a looking forward to that year of grace which we will soon celebrate in the whole Institute.

The Year of Marist Vocations is symbolized by a plant shoot in the gardener´s hand. New growths in plants are very delicate and therefore need utmost care. The same is true with our vocation, our Marist life. It must be tended attentively. At the same time, we must sow the seeds if we want the garden to flourish, following what Champagnat did during the difficult period when vocation was scarce.

The stalk shaped like an M – for Marist and for Mary – is colored green to signify life. The two leaves represent Marist Brothers and Marist Laity.

The leaves are heart-shaped, proclaiming our love for the charism. However, they are not in the usual upright position, indicating the inquietude of the comfort zone and the restlessness in the face of emerging needs.

The vibrant colors blue and orange speak to us of the rich variety of ways in which we respond to the call, according to our respective gifts. Blue characterizes fidelity to our commitment. Orange, on the other hand, suggests ardor and reflects our passion for Marist life.

The hand and the lump of soil that supports the shoot paints a picture of caring, whether it is for the seedling, or for the sprout. This is a reminder of our responsibility to nurture Marist life – our own, that of our companions on the journey and of those who are just beginning. We need a new culture of caring for life, building on what we have learned these past few years which were indeed challenging for all humanity.


Accompanying this article is SHORT VIDEO ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOGO and PICTURE FILES OF THE LOGO AND THEME in the four languages widely used in the Institute. The logo and theme are now at your disposal; you may begin using them, for example, in preparing materials and resources.

Soon we will publish an ORIENTATION GUIDE (previously referred to as the Primer in the Year of Marist Vocations) to help all of us in the development and animation at the different levels of the Institute. Other resources will follow in the succeeding months. Together, we take the next steps among many on the journey to the Year of Marist Vocations.


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