
Novices engaged during July semester holiday

hspace=5July generally marks mid-way in semester periods here at the noviciate. As the saying goes an idle mind is the devils workshop, we tried to imitate our founder who always kept himself busy during holidays. four workshops were identified and the novices had a freedom of choice. Here are the courses which were identified: Carpentery, Tailoring, Building and construction and metal work.
In carpentery, Daniel Katumbi was leading his group and now we are enjoying the body relaxing chairs which in Chichewa they call Ukakhuta gona. They also made three noviciate community boards big enough to contain a lot of news of interest from within and without.
The tailoring was master-minded by Reuben Banda and the fruits of their work are the uniforms for the altar boys, aprons for the cooks and gardeners dust-coats.

The building and Construction department was led by Benjamin Twea and we see that they have constructed a waste matter well near the pigsty and are continuing as they close one of the fence gates which was almost wearing out and has not been used for untold years.
The metal work was under the direct supervision of Samson and the frutis of their work are the metal hoe -handles and wiremesh rubbish bins which will help a lot to keep the noviciate tidy and clean. The member of staff behind all these workshops was Brother Angel Mansoa who made sure that materials for work were made availlable to all the four groups.

Brother Norbet Mwila, our master led both groups in individual accompaniment by classes. He later led them in the knowledge of the Provincial Norms which made the novices exclaim, We didnt know there were such things as no one had told us before. We wished these norms were made known while at the postulate so that they can help in making well informed decision before joining the noviciate stage.
Brother Simeon helped the first year novices in the meditation initiation for three days. He stressed the use of Images in Scripture.

These days all the novices are following the the booklet of Evangelical use of material goods. The second years led by Brother Mansoa and the first years under the guide of Brother Norbert. When he leaves for Nairobi, Simeon will take over. These are latest noviciate news for the time being until next time, keep well and God bless.

Simeon Banda, fms.


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