Evangelize, Marists of Champagnat and Diversity
The Mediterranean Province celebrated its VI Chapter from the 2 to 5 of January, in the Marist Residence of Guardamar del Segura, in Spain.
During the first day of work, which coincided with the commemoration of the 202 anniversary of the foundation of the Marist Brothers, Br. Juan Carlos Fuertes took possession of the charge for a second mandate as Provincial, in the presence of Brother Luis Carlos Gutierrez Blanco, Vicar General and the Brothers Ben Consigil and Joao Carlos de Prado , General Councilors.
The Chapter – which has turned around three fundamental keys,: to listen, to find and to project, assumed the three lines of action quoted by the Provincial Assembly held from 5 to 8 of December: Evangelize, Marists of Champagnat and Diversity.
Under the motto “Change Chance”, the encounter reflected on the more interesting lines of work regarding the future and defined the principal actions to be followed.
“May the Spirit which moved Marcelin at his time, also worry us today and fill us with the force and tenderness of God which makes all things new, Br. Juan Carlos Fuertes recalled at the conclusion of the first day of work.
During the second day, Brother Provincial presented a report on the life of the Brothers and on the Marist communities of the Mediterranean Province. He also presented questions on how to “discover the essential; what gives us life” and, on the other side, “to identify what we have to let go, what we have extra, in order to be able to advance”.
In the third session, the Brothers of the Chapter elected as members of the Provincial Council of Marists of the Mediterranean Province Brothers Aureliano García, Chano Guzman, Gregorio Bartolomé Delgado, Damiano Forlani, Javier Gragera and Samuel Gómez. In the same way, Br. Juan Carlos Fuertes elected Br. Aureliano García as Vice Provincial for the next three years. The new Provincial Council named Brother Juan Miguel Anaya as the new Administrator for the Province.
In the last day of the Provincial Chapter, the Chapter members examined and discussed the Provincial norms, valued the work carried out and outlined the priorities of the Marists of Mediterranean. On the other hand, Br. Cyprien Gandeebo, Superior of the Marist District of Eastern Africa, communicated to the participants the reality of the presence of Mediterranean Marists in this zone, while Br. Georges Sabe, representing the Blue Marists, thanked the Mediterranean Province for the support which it has always given to the community of Aleppo.
In concluding this Chapter, Br. Luis Carlos Gutierrez, Vicar General of the Institute, and Brothers Ben Consigli and Joao Carlos, members of the General Council, addressed some words to the Assembly gathering their impressions after participating in the encounter. See here the interventions.