Interprovincial Novitiate of Passo Fundo
On 8 December, five Brothers of the Province of Brésil Centro-Norte, four of Brésil Centro-Sul and one from Rio Grande do Sul, made their first profession in the interprovincial novitiate of Passo Fundo.
One of the new brothers, Cassiano, commented thus on the experience of two years lived before the taking of vows. « What has marked the novitiate has been the living of inter-provinciality. We have been open to the reality of others and have learned what concerns the congregation and pastoral work. I have reaffirmed my willingness to say Yes to God in following Champagnat ».
The novices consecrated themselves to God through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience in the Institute of the Marist Brothers during a celebration attended by the provincials : Brs Wellington Medeiros, of PMBCN, Joaquim Sperandio, of PMBCS and Inácio Etges, of PMRS, family and friends.
The professed Brothers now continue their formation in their own provinces leading to their perpetual profession.