2007-12-06 COLOMBIA

Let us go forward calmly but rapidly

This was a first meeting of those of us who are leading the MCHFM Fraternities and other groups of Champagnat laity in the Norandina Province (Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador). In each of the forty eight people (lay people and Brothers) who attended the meeting, we felt a remarkable sense of the presence of God as we shared something of our common experiences: spirituality, mission, formation, etc. Our coordinator was Brother Pau Fornells, Director of the Bureau of the Laity.

We are grateful to those Brothers and lay people who organized the gathering. They have gifted us with wonderful moments that have filled our Marist hearts with the living fire of the Holy Spirit who will help us to renew our mission day in and day out.

In journeying together, we sense that one and the same charism of Champagnat unites us. It is he who stirs up the desire to continue building his work in the real situations in which we live out our daily lives. We have realized that living Marist spirituality cannot separate us from carrying out our mission in a worthy manner, a mission upon which shines the light given by Jesus and by Mary, our Good Mother.

We, Brothers and lay people, need to remain united since we have to walk together so as to find fresh life in community, in humility, simplicity and modesty. The Marist vocation is now a shared vocation. It leads us to create new, enriching links. It suggests that we must ?widen our tent,? even perhaps to the extent of building together a ?new tent.?

The Holy Spirit is telling us that the future of Marist life lies in sharing the charism of Marcellin Champagnat amongst Brothers and laity, in living a true community life, and in journeying together in spirituality, apostolate and formation. Our goal must be to center our lives passionately upon Jesus, the font of living water.

We return to the places from which we have taken our origin. We do so, however, making a brotherly commitment: to live Champagnat?s dream in every one of our communities? to build and reanimate our works with the help of others whom we may inspire to share our Marist charism.

Champagnat laity of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela
Santiago de Cali, November 26, 2007


Continuing along the Marist path...


Vocations the priority for Europe...