2013-10-23 CUBA

?New? communities

 13 September 2013 was the day chosen to hold the inter-community meeting of the Marist communities committed to making Jesus and his Kingdom present on this beautiful island: the Pearl of the Caribbean.  It was a radiant morning and full of energy, inspiring us with optimism and a readiness to share, discern and risk the new challenges being presented to us. Those present were Brothers Carlos, Héctor, Hipólito – provincial – , Jesús and Salvador. Among the outstandingaspects:

* The real desire to work so that more young men opt for our style of life and our charism.
* To succeed in creating more fraternal communities where family life is a reality.
* To share among ourselves about the path towards the XIV Provincial Chapter and the General Conference.

We dream, trust and hope that “to awaken the dawn” becomes a reality in our lives and our communities and that in this way we are converted into Prophets and Mystics for our place of apostolate and our time.

Br Salvador Salinas


With the ancient is wisdom...


Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte »...