2018-10-11 BRAZIL

Our brotherhood is a beacon of hope

In December, the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte will hold both the Provincial Chapter and the Provincial Assembly in Mendes. The assembly will take place from 7th-10th December and the Chapter from the 11th to 14th December. 

The objectives of the Assembly are to analyse, interpret, evaluate and celebrate the ongoing path of the Province, in the triennium 2016-2018, to reflect on the needs and possible ways of energising the life of the Province and to propose ways, strategies and options that the Provincial Chapter can prioritise for the next triennium. 

Equally, the Assembly, like the Chapter, will have as their topic: Brotherhood is the Beacon of Hope, and the motto will be: You are the light of the world (MT, 4,14). Brother José Augusto Júnior, director of the sector for consecrated life and the laity of the province, explained “the preparatory commission for the Assembly and the Provincial Chapter have been responsible for  the programming which includes time for celebration, working in groups, mass for the Jubilarians and Brothers' vows, plenary and time set aside for sharing together.”

At the end of the Provincial Assembly, the Brothers and laity will make a pilgrimage to the National Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Aparecida in San Pablo, to thank her for how far we have come. 

Around 80 people will take part in the Assembly, while the Chapter will have the participation of the Brothers belonging to the Province. They will provide continuity to the discernment of the topics provided by the Provincial Assembly and they will choose the priorities for the next triennium and also the provincial councillors. 

Other details concerning the two meetings can be found in this web page: www.marista.edu.br/assembleiaecapitulo  


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