2007-02-16 SPAIN

Towards the unification of ministry

On the 2nd and 3rd February, the 1st Assembly of local Ministry Teams of the Province of Mediterránea took pace at Grenada (Spain). The five members of each local team as well as the director of their respec-tive colleges from the Spanish zone of the Province were called together. Two or three delegates per cen-tre in Italy also attended. One hundred and nine people were present, thirty-five of whom were brothers.

The organisation and the preparation of this first meeting was the responsibility of the Province?s Works Council. There were several objectives that the Council proposed. Firstly, to foster a greater awareness among the members of the ministry teams, as well as assuming common criteria in the pastoral task of centres. In the same way, we tried to exchange experiences and initiatives which have been developed in different places of the Province. Finally, we wanted all the ministry workers to be filled with joy in the important mission that they carry out.

The work was centred on two basic subjects: the shared mission and the characteristics that an evangelis-ing college must have. In order to develop the two approaches, we counted on the presence of Dª Marta López, who is the President of the Spanish Association of Theologians. In her presentation, which was very much appreciated by those present for its depth and clarity of ideas, she presented the theological aspects of the shared mission. The other great subject of the assembly was developed by Brother Federico Carpintero, a well-known author of Marist themes, who spoke on the ?Evangelising College?.

Around these two great aspects, the work was organised in groups through which we wanted to arrive at precise concrete objectives and to highlight the challenges to be faced in the future. A secretary tried to summarise the reflection of each group to be able to produce a common synthesis.

As to the exchange of experiences, the collaborators were able to get to know four of them (the lack of time prevent others); three which take place in Spain and one other in Italy. The themes of these were very varied: pastoral work in the parish, education in solidarity among the students, the concrete realisa-tion of a festive itinerary and, finally, vocations ministry.

From the four objectives given to this meeting, we chose to retain more a character of formation and of experience than of decision and consultation.

Brother Manuel Jorques, Provincial, was present during the two days. It was he who closed the assembly. In his talk, he congratulated all the participants for all the work accomplished and for their presence in such great numbers. He encouraged all to continue the commitment of building the Kingdom by the con-sistency of their life and their flexibility in arranging the various pastoral orientations that still exist in the Province. He encouraged all to walk towards ?unity?, but without ?fanaticism? or ?dogmatism?.

The need to hold this first ministry assembly was apparent in the month of September when the Provin-cial priorities for this mandate of three years became public, because they invited all to strength the bonds of union between all the members who constitute the Province. It thus appeared opportune to have a meeting of this type to feel one with the Province and to go forward together in the same project.


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