2009-12-29 BRAZIL

Top score obtained on evaluation

The Pontifical University of Paraná (hereafter PUCPR) came into existence on May 14, l959, receiving the name ?Catholic University of Paraná.? PUCPR was formed by the merger of several Catholic faculties of the Curitiba Institute of Higher Studies, located in Paraná State, Brazil. First administered by the Archdiocese, the running of the Institute was entrusted to the Marist Brothers in l973. The Institute then underwent a major reorganization and, with the construction of a central campus, a period of growth that enabled it to reach University status. On August 6, l985, the Vatican?s Congregation for Catholic Education granted the title ?Pontifical? to the University. Since l991, four other campuses have come into operation, each one in a city other than Curitiba. The existence of several campuses has offered educational opportunities to places far from major population centers.

Rather frequently, the Brazilian government evaluates its institutions of higher learning. In 2009, for the first time, a study called ?Institutional Evaluation of Higher Education? was initiated by the National Institute of Higher Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP). INEP is part of the government?s Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC).

When the results of the evaluation came to light, PUCPR received the highest ranking. Twenty government-related institutions and forty-three private ones were evaluated. Only four received the highest ranking.

The evaluation was truly extensive. It was conducted on site by a committee of MEC specialists who reviewed ten aspects of the institution. Such areas as the following were evaluated: mission and institutional development; policies on teaching, research, professional development; the institution?s engagement with Brazilian society; personnel policies; diplomas attained by the teaching and administrative staffs; the same staffs? updating, professional development and working conditions; university administration and management; physical infrastructure; institutional evaluation; student affairs; financial status.


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