2024-02-05 GENERAL HOUSE

Other Marist Voices 35 and 36: Servant leadership / an important role to play

The publication of “Other Marist Voices” continues, messages inspired by the book “Marist Voices” related to the development of servant and prophetic leadership in the Marist mission.

Other Marist Voices 35 was written by Br. Omari Thomas, Educator, and principal of Our Lady of Orore School, in Kenya – Province of East Central Africa, who addresses the theme “Servant leadership with a heart for people” (English | Español | Français | Português > VIDEO). The message refers to chapter 20 of Marist Voices (Spiritual and Ethical Wisdom in Leadership), written by Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez.

Other Marist Voices 36 was written by Soledad Gálvez Moreno, Finance Manager of the Ecuador sector – Province of Norandina, who addresses the theme “Each of us has an important role to play” (English | Español | Français | Português > VIDEO). The message refers to chapter 10 of Marist Voices (Administration: a Leadership of Service), written by Br. Libardo Garzón Duque.


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