2024-04-23 GENERAL HOUSE

Other Marist Voices 57 and 58: Mission Development / Marist presence

The publication of “Other Marist Voices” continues, messages inspired by the book “Marist Voices” related to the development of servant and prophetic leadership in the Marist mission.

Other Marist Voices 57 was written by Br. Germain Bery Beda, School leader in Ivory Coast – Province of West Africa. He addresses the theme “Nurturing the Flame: Servant Leadership in Mission Development” (English | Español | Français | Português > VIDEO). The message refers to chapter 12 of Marist Voices (How Many Loaves do You Have?), written by Br. Hipólito Pérez.

Other Marist Voices 58 was written by Alberto Libera, responsible for mission of Santa María de los Andes Provincie, and the Region of South America. He addresses the theme “Marist presence and servant leadership” (English | Español | Français | Português > VIDEO). The message refers to chapter 2 of Marist Voices (The Importance of Presence in Marist Leadership), written by Br. Ernesto Sanchez.

Other Marist Voices

This project is promoted by the Marist International Mission Commission and gives continuity to the initiative â€śMarist Voices”, a book launched in 2022 that addresses the theme of Marist leadership and seeks to reflect on the request of the last General Chapter that underlined that “For a new beginning, we believe in governance that favours prophetic servant leadership and closely accompanies Marist life and mission.”

120 Marists from around the world, including brothers, lay men and women, have been invited to share their perspectives on leadership from their own experiences. Each brings a unique vision and reflects on specific aspects of servant and prophetic leadership. Each week two messages are posted on the Institute’s communication channels.

This link gives you access to all the messages of this initiative, published as of September 2023.


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