Provinces: Canada, Central West Europe and the Hermitage
The second meeting programmed by the General Secretariat for the introduction of the new database of the Institute was held in Lyon (France), in the Provincial House of the Hermitage, from 26 October to 2 November. The participants were the Provincial Secretaries plus one other person per Province: Mrs Sylvie Chaput-Alix and Br André Pigeon (Canada); Br Maurice Taildeman (Central West Europe); Brothers André Thizy and Bernard Régis (L’Hermitage). From the General Administration came Brothers Pedro Sánchez de León, Secretary General, Marcelo De Brito, programmer, and Josep Roura, translator.
The first formation meeting of this type took place from 3 to 8 October, in the Provincial House of « Mediterránea » (Guardamar del Segura – Spain), and was in Spanish for the Provinces of Compostela, Ibérica and Mediterránea.
In both meetings, those taking part willingly accepted the new tool placed at the service of the Institute. They consider it pratical, easy to use, and useful in uniting the criteria at the time of storing and using information; moreover, the new system will aid communication between the Administrative Units and the General House.
The objectives proposed for the two meetings were:
- To socialise the data structure of the new « Database » system and the principal modules of data management so as to be in a position to receive contributions contributing to the correction of errors and the optimisation of the information.
- To refine the principal modules of data management in view of their imminent implementation.
- To set in motion a new model of data management for the purpose of the parties concerned: the Administrative Units and the General Administration.
The next meeting will be held in Mexico D.F., from 28 November to 2 December, for all the Provinces of Latin America and the USA.