14 de enero de 2016 AUSTRALIA

Los Hermanos se reúnen en Australia para debatir los problemas de la Región de Oceanía

Gathering Proceedings PDF

Cuarenta y ocho hermanos se reunieron en el Colegio marista de Brisbane, Australia, para abordar algunos de los desafíos de la Región de Oceanía.

Del 11 al 13 de enero, discutieron temas como : significado pleno de la vida consagrada, acudir a las periferias, disponibilidad global, internacionalidad e Iglesia mariana.

Los participantes eran hermanos menores de 60 años de la Provincia de Australia, del Distrito de Melanesia y del Distrito del Pacífico.

El H. Emili Turú, Superior general, presentó un video mensaje con ocasión de este encuentro, en el que subrayó aspectos importantes de la cultura africana relacionados con la fraternidad.

“La pertenencia a un grupo es más importante que mi propia persona”, afirma al referirse a la cultura del Ubuntu. “Es el poder del ‘nosotros’”.

“En nuestra cultura esto es muy profético, de hecho el reciente documento del Vaticano sobre la vocación religiosa del hermano subraya muy claramente que la fraternidad es el ADN de nuestra vocación”, añadió.

El H. Emili aludió también al problema de las vocaciones llamando a los hermanos a prestar ayuda a los jóvenes “escuchar la voz de Dios, hacer silencio, acompañarles en su discernimiento” agregando que, a menudo, no pueden escuchar la llamada de Dios porque “están demasiado ocupados y preocupados con muchas cosas”.

Al reflexionar sobre el encuentro de los hermanos en Brisbane, lo calificó de un “maravilloso momento, un momento de gracia en vuestra historia”.

"Todos vosotros estáis invitados a seguir adelante", afirmó. “Recuerde hermano, si no es usted ¿quién? Si no es ahora, ¿cuándo? "

Oceania Brothers Gathering
11-13 January 2016 – Marist College, Ashgrove, Australia

At the beginning of 2016, approximately 50 brothers from the region of Oceania gathered at Marist College, Ashgrove to explore the future of fraternal life in this part of the Institute.  The Australian summer days reflected the warm spirit of the brothers in their optimism of the future of Marist Life amongst the districts of Melanesia, Pacific and in the province of Australia.

The inter cultural nature of this gathering was also enhanced by the presence of Br Chinthana Nonis from the province of South Asia, Br Christian Onukwufor from the Nigerian province and Br Jonnel Sisneros from the province of East Asia.

The gathering began with a thoughtful inspiring video message from Br Emili Turu who challenged the participants with the question. “Are you weak enough to be brothers?”  A reflection about humility and the courage to let go of past certainties and strengths. The brothers, whose ages ranged from 26 to 59, explored current significant themes such as the recent Vatican document on the identity and mission of the religious brother in the Church today, New Models Roadmap and going to the peripheries. 


Mindful of the movement of the spirit in our institute, the brothers were treated with information of two new community projects pioneering in the Oceania region:  Mt Druitt and Kiribas.

The theme of humility echoed in the dynamic presentation by Br David Hall who shared the how God consciousness leads us to authentic Marian living and leadership.

The group celebrated Eucharist at St Stephen’s Cathedral with the Archbishop of Brisbane, Bishop Mark Coleridge who shared his thoughts about the difference between being authoritarian and being an authority in Christ.  He invited the group of brothers to continue in our expression of authority in Christ through our fraternal presence with one another as well as with as with the people with whom we work.

The gathering concluded with dreaming and articulating some very practical possibilities of a more collaborative fraternity in the region.  The ideas were presented to the three leaders of the region who accompanied the brothers during these days:  Br Jean Marie Batick (Melanesia), Br Peter Carroll (Australia), Br David McDonald (Pacific)

Thanks to the organising committee of Brs: Stanley Bakere, Luke Fong, Justin Golding and Kevin Wanden as well as Barry Burns who assisted in the facilitation, for this opportunity to begin 2016 with such hope and vision for the region of Oceania.

Br. Tony Leon – 14.01.2016




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